Брак: STANIMIROVIĆ Nikola / (F3520)

Информације о поридици

  • Father | Мушко

    Смрт  1839  Donji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location

    Дете 1 | Мушко
    TODOROVIĆ Mijailo

    Рођење    Donji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Смрт  28 Јан 1863  Donji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Сахрана  29 Јан 1863  Seosko groblje, Donji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Брачни партнер  VULOVIĆ Hristina | F1422 
    Венчање  09 Нов 1853  Crkva ribničke parohije, hrama Svetih Arhistratigov, Gornji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location

    Дете 2 | Мушко
    + TODOROVIĆ Stefan

    Рођење  око 1821  Donji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Брачни партнер  KAPLAROVIĆ Sava | F3519 
    Венчање  11 Нов 1841  Crkva ribničke parohije, hrama Svetih Arhistratigov, Gornji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location

    Дете 3 | Мушко
    + TODOROVIĆ Blagoje

    Рођење    Donji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Смрт  27 Нов 1862  Donji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Сахрана  28 Нов 1862  Seosko groblje, Donji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Брачни партнер  JOVANOVIĆ Dostana | F3522 
    Венчање  28 Окт 1846  Crkva ribničke parohije, hrama Svetih Arhistratigov, Gornji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location