Брак: KITIĆ Dimitrije, STOJKOVIĆ / ATANASKOVIĆ Vasilija (F16164)

венчање: 1857

Информације о поридици

  • Father | Мушко
    KITIĆ Dimitrije, STOJKOVIĆ

    Рођење  1849  Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Смрт  1888  Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Венчање  1857   
    Other Spouse  MLADENOVIĆ Dmitra | F3280 
    Венчање  30 Окт 1877  Crkva ribničke parohije, hrama Svetih Arhistratigov, Gornji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Отац  KITIĆ Stojan | F5490 Породични лист 

    Mother | Женско
    ATANASKOVIĆ Vasilija

    Смрт  1872  Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location

    Дете 1 | Мушко
    KITIĆ Vukašin

    Рођење  30 Сеп 1862  Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Крштење  1 Окт 1862  Crkva ribničke parohije, hrama Svetih Arhistratigov, Gornji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Смрт  1863  Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location

    Дете 2 | Женско
    KITIĆ Božika

    Рођење  24 Дец 1863  Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Крштење  26 Дец 1863  Crkva ribničke parohije, hrama Svetih Arhistratigov, Gornji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Смрт  1873  Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location

    Дете 3 | Мушко
    KITIĆ Milorad

    Рођење  1867  Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location

    Дете 4 | Мушко
    KITIĆ Mirko

    Рођење  1869  Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location

    Дете 5 | Мушко
    KITIĆ Milen

    Рођење  2 Јан 1872  Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Крштење  16 Јан 1872  Crkva ribničke parohije, hrama Svetih Arhistratigov, Gornji Ribnik Find all individuals with events at this location
    Смрт    Odžaci, Trstenik Find all individuals with events at this location